Kwareżimal is a sweet chewy traditional almond biscuit prepared and eaten throughout lent. They are absolutely perfect washed down with a cup of coffee or black tea. These are made with a blend of ground
almonds, orange blossom water, and mixed spices and sugar, which is then glazed with honey and topped with almond flakes. These are naturally dairy free.
The word Kwareżimal refers to the latin word “quarezima”, the forty days of Lent, and is said to have been introduced by the Christian crusaders in the 1500s. Please keep in mind that during that time of penance, people were obliged to abstain from meat and its derivatives like dairy products and eggs, not sugar.
Traditionally, Kwareżimal are oblong shaped – as shown in the recipe. However, Kwareżimal can take be a bigger or smaller size, even bite sized.
Recipe (Servings 12):
- 400 g self-raising flour (3 1/4 cups)
- 400 g ground almonds (4 cups)
- 100 g caster sugar (1/2 cup)
- 30 ml oil (2 tbsp)
- 30 ml orange blossom water (2 tbsp)
- 50 g orange candied peel diced (2/3 cup)
- 15 g cocoa powder (2 tbsp)
- 2 g ground cinnamon (1 tsp)
- 2 g mixed spice (1 tsp)
- 1 lemon zest
- 1 orange zest + juice of 1/2 an orange
- 120 ml water (1/2 cup)
- Honey
- Chopped almonds (or other nuts)
Preheat the oven to 180°C or 350°F. Line a baking tray with parchment paper and sprinkle some flour on top. Set aside.
In a large mixing bowl sift the flour and combine with oil and the orange flower water. Add all the remaining ingredients, except the water.
Start adding the water slowly as the dough might need less than mentioned. Knead into a sticky dough, which is the consistency we are looking for.
Slightly flour your hands and start shaping the dough into long oblongs of about 14 cm. Place on a baking tray, and leave some space between them. With a knife make some crossing lines.
Bake for 20 minutes exactly. It’s important to not overcook the biscuit.
While they are still hot, brush with honey and press on the chopped nuts.
Let them cool and enjoy with your favourite cup of hot beverage!
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